No one wants to be in an accident of any kind. No one wants to suffer the property damage is it sure to cause, the time talking to police and completing reports, or worse, possible prolonged recovery from injury. But sometimes the unavoidable happens. You're driving along, minding your own business when you're rear-ended by someone who it texting a driving. Or you make a sudden stop to avoid a pedestrian. Maybe you slip and fall or ice or water in a store. Accidents happen and here are a few things you can do to make it easier on yourself if you are injured and require medial treatment. Let's take one of the most common accidents, a car accident. If you are injured in a car accident you might want to make a claim for the injury and damages to your insurance company or the insurance company of the at-fault driver.
Here are a five important must do's in the unfortunate event you are in an automobile accident. These tips will help you through it and make the claim process easier:
5. Call the police & complete a police report;
4. If anyone is hurt, seek medical attention;
3. Get and keep contact information and phone numbers;
2. Take pictures of the scene;
1. Make sure the at-fault driver gets a ticket!
Do not be the at-fault driver this weekend. Take it easy and be a defensive driver. However, if you have insurance it is designed to protect you in the event you make a driving error. Keep that insurance card handy and be careful out there.
If you have or someone you love or been injured in a car accident, please call the Hoag Law Group, LLC today! Call now: 1-800-HOAGLAW.